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An operator is a logical or mathematical function which takes one or two values and produces a single result. Operators are built into the syntax of the language, i.e. you cannot define new operators. Operators can be redefined (overloaded in VHDL jargon) for any types by writing new functions.


  {2 operands: Expression Operator Expression}

  +  -  *  /  mod  rem  **
  =  /=  <  <=  >  >=
  and  or  xor  nand  nor  xnor
  sll srl sla sra rol ror
  {1 operand: Operator Expression}

  +  -  abs  not


function "" See Expression


/ on integers truncates toward 0. mod and rem give the remainder on division. A rem B has the sign of A, A mod B has the sign of B. A sla B replicates the rightmost bit of A, A sra B replicates the leftmost bit of A. A & B yields a vector whose length is the length of A + the length of B, with the content of A on the left and B on the right.

Things to remember

The default definitions of > >= < <= give unexpected results for vectors of different lengths, e.g. "000" > "00" ! When the "+" operator is overloaded on type Std_logic_vector, it is usual to make the width of the result equal to that of the widest operand, with the effect that the result is truncated, e.g. "1" + "1" = "0" and "111" + "1" = "000".


The operators + - = /= < <= > >= are synthesizable as adders, subtractors and comparators. The operators / mod rem ** are not synthesizable in general, but may be synthesized when used to do masks and shifts or in static expressions (e.g. A / 2 means shift right).

See Also

Expression, Function